Friday, February 24, 2012

converting varchar to int

Syntax error converting the varchar value '' to a column of data type int...

how to overcome this problem ..

Hello Raj,

What should '' be, ayou wanting to remove the .'s to have it be 317439? Try this:

=cInt(Replace(Fields!Field1.Value, ".", ""))


|||when i run the query it throws the error... i have to handle the error in the data tab itself... can you help me how to find the exact field in which the irregular datatype is located there any way to track down the issue...|||

It is clearly an SQL error which cannot be solved in SSRS using expressions.

I'm assuming that your dataset is formed by a stored procedure, not plain SQL text.

The error is because you are trying to put an invalid integer value into a table (temporary table or user table) column which is of INT datatype. If possible, get the SQL text of the stored procedure and check all insert/update statements and all the columns of INT datatype involved in it. Also check If there is an implicit conversion using CONVERT or CAST function.


|||can you tell me the problem is with varchar or datetime... because i didnt find any varchar like ''|||

Yes, it is definitely a varchar. You may have to look out for columns in the table that is being used as source to insert/update the value in the table which has a corresponding column of INT datatype.


|||thank you shyam .. i will check it out...

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