Saturday, February 25, 2012

copy a database from one SQL server to another.

I'm new in the SQL server world. But I need to copy one SQL database
on machineA to machineB. By looking at the tool bar, I think export
will do the job for me, is anybody can provide the detail info? DO I
need to create an empty database on MachineB first, any documentation
repository I can read and learn?
Thank you so much!
QGThree different approaches can be found in the following links:;en-us;Q304692;en-us;q224071;en-us;Q274463

- Anith
( Please reply to newsgroups only )|||Hi

To add my favourite link!;en-us;Q314546


"Grace Gu" <> wrote in message om...
> Hello:
> I'm new in the SQL server world. But I need to copy one SQL database
> on machineA to machineB. By looking at the tool bar, I think export
> will do the job for me, is anybody can provide the detail info? DO I
> need to create an empty database on MachineB first, any documentation
> repository I can read and learn?
> Thank you so much!
> Sincerely,
> QG

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