Friday, February 24, 2012

Converting varchar to int (or numeric)

In one of my stored procedures, a varchar is input that is assumed to be an int, and I need to validate that it is an int before I CAST it as an int. I'm currently using ISNUMERIC() to eliminate non-numeric values, but how do I recover gracefully if values such as '7.5e3', '$334', or '45.9943' sneak through? They all pass the ISNUMERIC() test, but cause errors when being cast to int. Similar problems if casting to numeric, etc.You can use the case statement - for example:

declare @.test varchar(20)
select @.test='123.3'
select case when charindex('.',@.test) > 0 then cast(@.test as decimal(10,2))
when charindex('e',@.test) > 0 then cast...
else cast(@.test as int) end|||Thanks. That should work. On retrospect, it's obvious enough I should have come up with that myself!

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