Saturday, February 25, 2012

copy a db, identity problem

i need to copy a db to another db every single table to another similar to
the first one but with some difference. When i try to do that i need to
remove some constraint and all the identity on the new db. i'd like do that
with a script, i tried:
id int IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE prova ALTER COLUMN id int null
it doesnt work.
how can i remove identity from a column of my table'
carloYou can't directly remove the IDENTITY property. You would have to
create a new column or new version of the table.
However, you can use the SET IDENTITY_INSERT option to allow you to
populate the column without removing the IDENTITY property. See Books
Online for details.
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
--|||>> how can i remove identity from a column of my table'
You cannot do this directly. The alternative is to create another table,
copy the data & rename it. The EM interface can get this done with a few
mouse clicks and it may perform reasonably for small-medium sized tables.
Anith|||You don't need to. And, actually, you shouldn't. Look up SET IDENTITY_INSERT
in Books Online. And then use it.
It helps you achieve exactly what you need (judging from your post).

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