Friday, February 24, 2012

Copied Package ConnectionManager has photographic memory?

I originally made 1 package, got it the way I wanted with configurations,etc, and then made 30 copies of it, renaming, etc.

The original package (and the copies) has 2 connections. Connection A is set at runtime by a configuration from an XML file. Connection B is set from a SQL Server lookup from Connection A.

I'm now trying to run one of those copied packages. As I mentioned, in my package I have 2 connections. I changed one of my connections, save the package, go back and look at the connection, and the initial catalog has changed. Life is good, right? Wrong. I close the package, go back in, and the initial catalog is back to the original. If I look at the package's XML in notepad, I see the correct new connection manager. So where is it picking up this info from?

Interestingly, if I delete the connection, add a new connection, rename it to the original connection I had (so my configuration will still be good), save it, close it, go back in, it still reverts back to that original connection.

Whats the deal? Its almost like I have to name my connections differently across packages?Check if it is configured in the configuration settings
(in this case it is loaded from config provider) or
maybe in the property expressions (in which case it
is calculated).|||wow. I must be burnt out. I see the problem. User error. thanks

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