Friday, February 24, 2012

coping database

I would like to copy my msde database so I can deploy it together with my webpage on another pc. Do I simply just copy the .mdf file or is there another way to extract it?are they on the same network or do you need to carry the db from your home pc to work pc ? take the mdf and the log file when you copy and "attach" it on the destination server.

hth|||they must be on a separate network i must provide database with my project to the college so I just copy mdf and log file and then open them with database on enother pc? I do not need to extract it then?|||I think you should detach it before copying.
Or you could make a backup and restore it on the other pc.

Fredr!k|||(1) stop the sql server.
(2) copy the files to the disc (restart the sql server)
(3) paste them into the c\program files\microsoft sql server\..\data\ folder.
(4) in enterprise manager..attach the files.

pretty simple.

hth|||pretty simple if you know all this technical staff i can not see such option as attach
as it is msde i can access it from Matrix or from Web Data Administrator. The only option i can see is import but that requires sql file

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