I tried to copy a db instance from one SQL 2005 installation to another. The transfer/copy wizard in management studio showed nothing - a blank - in the "Destination database files" section. That struck me as bad, but the wizard would not let me add any files. Then when I tried to execute the transfer/copy, I got this error message:
InnerException-->The PRIMARY filegroup must have at least one file.
I suppose I would not have had that error message, if the wizard allowed me to add a filegroup. What is causing this?
Are you copying or moving? Do you have to use SMO? If not, just make a backup of the database and restore it to the other server. If you are moving the database, detach the files and reattach them on the other server. Hope this helps.Tim|||Run SP_HELPFILEGROUP on source server to see what are the contents displayed, as explained you can either take help of backup/restore of detach/attach method.
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