Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Copy jobs

How best to copy jobs from test instance to production?Well, you can script them and then run scripts on the production...
"Gerry M" <GerryM@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> How best to copy jobs from test instance to production?|||Is this SQL Server 2000? or SQL Server 2005? However, you may use object
transfer using DTS or "Transfer Job tasks" from toolbox of SSIS. (You may
also script out all the jobs and execute the script on the new box)
Few things to keep in mind:
Verify that you have appropriate owners for each job.
Verify that approriate databases have been selected for those jobs
Verify that notification properties are set to appropriate users (as it may
differ from test to production environment)
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Saleem Hakani
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"Gerry M" wrote:
> How best to copy jobs from test instance to production?|||"Gerry M" <GerryM@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> How best to copy jobs from test instance to production?
SQL agent jobs? DTS Jobs? SSIS Jobs?
2000, or 2005?
Try a right-click on the job name and look for a script option. If the job
calls a procedure, then make sure that is installed first.
Other than that, you should have documented and scripted putting the job in
place on dev, or QA and then you wouldn't have had the problem to begin

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