Thursday, March 29, 2012

copy of table from another database into your database

We copy a table from a progress database into our sql server database that we use as a read-only table. We perform this action through a job.

Is there a way to have a read only table from another database that is put into your database that will always be insinc with the original copy to use as a read only copy, that as the original table is updated, it will proprogate to your copied table?

Would setting up a package to import the data from the other database on a schedule work? In SQL Server, you can do an import and you have the option to save the import as a package and schedule it to run at your discretion.


If you require the tables be kept in sync, then the easiest way would be to use a link from the source to the destination server, and have triggers on the source populate the destination. This does carry a performance penalty, of course.

A more performant solution would be to have the triggers on the source write their updates to an update table on the same database, and poll it for changes every 5 minutes or so, but you're not guaranteed to have the DBs in sync then.

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