Thursday, March 29, 2012

Copy one db with jobs to another hard drive

Hi all,
I'm replaced our current hard drive with another and I need to know the
best way to transfer all the sql data with jobs.
Going from:
NT4 Server running SQL Server 7
W2K Server running SQL Server 7
I need to transfer all sql data including jobs to the new hard drive.
Can I just copy all the dbs (Master, User defined, etc) to the new hard
drive and be set?
What's the best way to handle this.
Thank you,
Go with Backup and Restore procedure.
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Please reply only to the newsgroups.
"William Oliveri" <> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I'm replaced our current hard drive with another and I need to know the
> best way to transfer all the sql data with jobs.
> Going from:
> NT4 Server running SQL Server 7
> to:
> W2K Server running SQL Server 7
> I need to transfer all sql data including jobs to the new hard drive.
> Can I just copy all the dbs (Master, User defined, etc) to the new hard
> drive and be set?
> What's the best way to handle this.
> Thank you,
> Bill
>|||> Can I just copy all the dbs (Master, User defined, etc) to the new hard
> drive and be set?
No there are two ways:
take care that no user is connected (kill SPID´s or : alter database
set restricted_user with rollback immediate)
all files you have to move you find at sysfiles (master)
exec sp_detach_db DBName
copy or move the files
at the new Server:
exec sp_attach_db DBName, FileName1, FileName2...FileName16
e.g exec sp_attach_db 'MyDB',
Backup Database DBName To Disk='PathName'
then on the new machine:
Restore Database DBName
from Disk = 'PathName'
with move 'MyDB' TO 'g:\SQLData\MyDB.mdf',
move 'MyDb_log' TO 'g:\SQLLog\MyDB.ldf'
hope this was helpful

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