Tuesday, March 27, 2012

copy file

hi guys,

anybody know the syntax in SQL to copy file to other server.

we want to copy our db backup files automaticaly to other server.




It wud be helpful if u can be more specific, like if u wanna back up ur entire DB or just copy data from one table to another table in another DB



I want to copy file to other server using SQL.

I found out that we can use xp_cmdshell but I can make it work.

my syntax is " exec xp_cmdshell 'copy c:\folder\test.xxx

\\server1\folder1, no_ouput ;

on the result pane it said succesful, but when I look to the destination folder there is no file that I copied.


hi dedy,

hi try mapping "\\server1\folder1" to qa drive letter

to map

1. open windows explorer.

2. click tools.

3. clcik on map network drive

4. enter necessary permission

you can assign a specific user (using different username option) to your mappings

to make sure you wont run on a permission problem with NTFS


exec xp_cmdshell 'copy c:\folder\test.xxx x:' <--where x: is the mapped network drive




hi joey,

I have tries your suggestion.

but there is an error that said "The system cannot find the drive specified"

I'm using SQL 2005.

I already map the folder using administrator account.

please advice.

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