Thursday, March 29, 2012

Copy Large Database

Does anyone know of a good way to copy a large database or backup of a database (~10 GB) across long distances (transatlantic) in a minimal amount of time?

I have tried regular file copies, BCP, DTC, my own handwritten extraction utility, PCAnywhere, and several file splitters, all to no avail. To complicate things, the source is SQL 7 with a different code page from the destination, which is SQL 2K. The file copies always seem to get interrupted after several hours.How about some form of replication. That way the live data is now checked and the copy come from a backup.|||Thanks for the response. The situation here is that these are 24x365 production databases with high levels of activity that support manufacturing production, so replicating on an ongoing basis will be costly to the site. I'd really prefer some method of capturing a snapshot.

Add to that the fact that since it is 24x365, getting time to try things is at a premium. Many of the solutions I spoke of earlier worked well in test environments where the geographical distances were a few hundred miles, but broke down when going cross-country or transatlantic.|||Dump and zip and ftp?|||Yeah, I think that's about the only thing left. Docs all say that DUMP and BACKUP are synonymous; is that true?|||yeah...dump is a 6.5 term...just habit...

Did you mention something about a different collation?

If it is, I don't think you'll be able to RESTORE it...|||if you use SQLLitespeed (or other utilities allowing compression while backup is being taken)- you can always compress it on the fly here, ace or rar the resulting backup , ftp it over and extract on the other side.


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