Sunday, March 25, 2012

Copy DB to a different Machine


I have developed an application using SQl Server 2000.

I want to transfer the database to my new server. I want all the tables and datas to be transferred.

I am new to this application. So i am not able to get mysel started. Can someone help me in this problem.

My database is large. It has stored procedures, database diagrams.

Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

-sriramFin MS Sql Server on your Programs menu. Choose 'Import/Export' data > next. The following Dialogue is the From dialogue. Choose the Databse you want to copy and press next. In the 'To' dialogue, enter the IP/URL to the remote SQL Server. In the Dropdown list, choose '<New>' and name your Database - press OK. I nteh next dialogue, choose 'Copy objects and data between SQL Server databases'. Click Next 3 times and then End. Now your Database and data will be copied to your new Server.|||I prefer doing a full backup and then restoring the backup on the new machine. I find it quicker that way. This way your DB Diagrams will survive too.|||i agree with the full backup technique.

the only time i "object copy" between db's is to keep my local DB in sync with a shared Development DB and 2 other developers.|||Hi,

Thanks for replying.

How can i do a full backup. I am not able to backup and transfer to the new machine.

So can you help me??
-sriram|||if you go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data
find your db files ...( 2- the db file and the log file)

copy them over to the new machine in the same data folder...and "attach" the db...

** remember to "Stop" the sql server before you do this...

hth|||I'm working on a project with 3 other people whom are using MSDE for the DB. Is there a function similar to 'attach db' that can be used with MSDE. Our computers are not networked, so we will only be able to pass the database file around.

Thanks in advance!

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